Activism and the Enneagram

Enneagram Conference

I attended the IEA (International Enneagram Association) Global Conference this year, which is an annual event bringing together Enneagram Coaches from all around the world! The Enneagram system is a widely accepted model of human psychology and personality theory that offers deep insight into our core driving motivations, opening up exciting possibilities in the prediction and understanding of human behavior. It is based on the idea that each person has a unique and innate personality structure, or “essence,” that shapes the way they see the world and themselves. 

The theme this year of the conference was Unite and Ignite, a conversation on how to make this work more inclusive and actionable. Up until this point, the Enneagram had been mostly focussed on the individuals personal experiences and types, so it was invigorating to dive deeper into discussions on how this system could work as a roadmap to a better future for us all. 

I loved exploring how the nine personality structures are engineered to carry different keys and by working together we have the potential to unlock our collective healing. Below I will walk you through each of the nine essences and how they may contribute to a brighter world…

  1. The Reformer: ​​At the core of this type lies goodness and right action. These folks are concerned with doing things the right and principled way. They are often purposeful, self-controlled, and tend to be the perfectionists of the Enneagram. When we are entering the front lines of activism, they are the ones making sure the processes and motivations are pure and right.

  2. The Helper: These kind souls are the good samaritans of the Enneagram! They are generous with their love and care and believe that strong relationships are the path to everlasting happiness. In these times of crisis, it is important for them to discern what is most important for them to contribute to and be in greater service. They are here to teach us how to love thy neighbor.

  3. The Achiever: These folks tend to be success-oriented individuals with a tremendous drive who get things done. In times of crisis you want them on your side! The question this type should be asking themselves at this very important time in history is “what is the real work of my life?” Looking deeper within achievements, to what legacy do you want to leave behind?

  4. The Individualist: Number 4’s are the sensitive, brooding, and expressive/creative types of the Enneagram. There skill is being in touch with their feelings. They are empathetic beings by nature and have been no strangers to exploring the underworld. They believe that beauty will save the world. In their mind, acts of beauty are also acts of activism. Indeed that is true…we have to find the world beautiful enough in order to want to save it. 

  5. The Investigator: What beautiful minds these people have. They are able to see how all things are interconnected and help us develop the right roadmap for our path forward. Their mission is to unlearn everything that we have accumulated and to relearn things so we may get it right this time. The question they should be asking themselves is “what most inspires me?” Once they have that answer they should be diving in head first and coming up for air to share their wisdom with the rest of us.

  6. The Loyalist: 6’s are the security-oriented type who are deeply engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspicious. Their worst case scenario thinking helps us to prepare and to ready ourselves. They will surely have a plan A, B, and C and when that fails a plan D, E, and F. The question that they must come to terms with is “What do I believe in and how do I make the world a safer place?”

  7. The Enthusiast: In a time where the world can feel very heavy and like there is little hope, 7’s bring us comfort and relief. This type is most known for being fun-loving, spontaneous, versatile, distractible, and a bit scattered. Joy is a part of everyone’s spiritual DNA and they are here to remind us of that!

  8. The Challenger: 8’s can get a bit of a bad wrap in the Enneagram world, but underneath all of that armor they are the most tenderhearted of all! 8’s come off as powerful and dominating types who are self-confident, decisive, willful, and confrontational. They are often the social justice warriors who want to protect others. They must be asking themselves during this time “what is the challenge that brings me most alive?” 

  9. The Peacemaker: Peacemakers are known to be the easygoing, self-effacing type who are receptive, reassuring, agreeable, and complacent. They are incredibly important during these divisive times for they are expert mediators, having the ability to see everyone’s different perspectives. Their agenda is always peace. They should be asking themselves “What is one way that I can love the world more today?”

Of course each type is going to show up very differently depending on the level of development each number is. It’s also important to note that the Enneagram is not like other personality systems, like Myers Briggs, that boxes you into one type. The system works off of wings and lines to help with your process of self development. For instance, The Challenger (#8) uses the line of The Helper (#2) to work on increasing their vulnerability. The work on integrating this energy allows them to still fight for the underdog, but not come at it with anger but more centered in love. 

Picture of me and Russ Hudson at the IEA Conference

One distinction that they made during the conference was worth mentioning. Anyone can be an activist. Be who you already are but put it through a lens of activism. They gave the example of Pablo Picasso’s painting titled “Guernica” which became one of the most moving and powerful anti-war paintings in history. He was not a soldier, but took a stand for something in the medium that he loved and was born to do. 

I will leave you with this fun picture of me with one of my Enneagram idols, Russ Hudson! I was so honored to get to sit next to him at the conference and share some insights and some laughs. Over the last three decades, Russ has established himself as one of the top teachers and developers of the Enneagram. He has been writing and teaching full-time with The Enneagram Institute as well as on his own since 1991 and has co-authored with Don Richard Riso five best-selling books on the subject, including The Wisdom of the Enneagram and Personality Types.

If you would like to learn more about the Enneagram and find out what number you are please book a free consultation with me to learn more. I am a certified Enneagram Coach and would be happy to schedule a 15 minute consultation with you to discuss how I work with members to develop themselves through this system.


A New Era of Reckoning